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If one door closes, another one opens. Spanish proverb - quoted by Miguel de Cervantes y Saavedra (Spanish writer, 1547-1616) in "Don Quixote" (1605), Quotations book 2011

Bob Farrell’s 10 rules

1. Markets tend to return to the mean over time. 2. Excesses in one direction will lead to an opposite excess in the other direction. 3. There are no new eras - excesses are never permanent. 4. Exponential rapidly rising or falling markets usually go further than you think, but they do not correct by going sideways. 5. The public buys the most at the top and the least at the bottom. 6. Fear...

Arouse enthusiasm

I consider my ability to arouse enthusiasm to be my greatest asset, and the way to develop the best that is in a person is by appreciation and encouragement. There is nothing that kills the ambitions of a person as much as criticisms from superiors. I never criticize anyone. I believe in giving people incentive to work. So I am anxious to praise but loath to find fault. If I like anything, I...


I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go. My own wisdom, and that of all about me, seemed insufficient for the day. attributed to Abraham Lincoln - American politician, 1861-65 16th president (1809-1865), Quotations book 2011


When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplaine takes off against the wind, not with it. Henry Ford - American engineer and industrialist (1863-1947), Quotations book 2011