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What would life be if we didn’t dare to take things in hand? Vincent van Gogh - Dutch painter (1853-1890), in a letter to his brother Theo (December 29th, 1881), Quotations book 2021 Wat zou het leven zijn als we niet wat durfden aanpakken? Vincent van Gogh - Nederlands kunstschilder (1853-1890), in een brief aan zijn broer Theo (29 december 1881), Offerteboekje...


Do what you can and leave the rest to God. Don Giovanni Melchiore Bosco - Italian Catholic priest and pedagogue (1815-1888), from "Memorie Biografiche", book XIII, chapter XXVI, 832 (1932), Libretto delle citazioni 2021 Fa" quello che puoi, e Dio farà il resto. Don Giovanni Melchiore Bosco - sacerdote cattolici e pedagogo italiano (1815-1888), de "Memorie Biografiche", benda XIII, capitolo...


It"s a big difference whether you play to not lose or whether you play to win. Daniel S. "Dan" Peña, Sr.– American businessman (b. 1945), Quotations book 2021

Back the big edge

Fold early when the odds are against you, or if you have a big edge, back it heavily because you don’t get a big edge often. Charlie Munger – Vice Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway (1924-2023), from "Damn Right: Behind the Scenes with Berkshire Hathaway Billionaire Charlie Munger" (2000), Quotations book 2021

Be good

Be undeniably good. No marketing effort or social media buzzword can be a substitute for that. Anthony Volodkin – American entrepreneur (b. 1985), Quotations book 2021

Big ideas

We've had three big ideas at Amazon that we've stuck with for 18 years, and they're the reason we're successful: Put the customer first. Invent. And be patient. Jeffrey P. "Jeff" Bezos – American company founder: Amazon (b. 1964), from an interview with the "Washington Post" (September 3rd, 2013), Quotations book 2021


Bønnen forandrer ikke Gud, men den forandrer den bedende. Prayer does not change God, but changes him who prays. Søren Aabye Kierkegaard – Danish Protestant theologian an philosopher (1813-1855), known as one of the most important academics in Denmark, from his preface to "Edifying Discourses in Diverse Spirits", part I (1847), Quotations books 2021 +...


Your brand is what other people say about you when you"re not in the room! Jeffrey P. "Jeff" Bezos – American company founder: Amazon (b. 1964), in a talk from TEDGlobal 2012 University (May 2012), Quotations book 2021

Capital allocation

Capital allocation is the CEO"s most important job. William N. Thorndike, Jr. – American writer (*1963), from "The Outsiders - Eight Unconventional CEOs and Their Radically Rational Blueprint for Success" (2012), Quotations book 2021


You can’t go back and make a new start, but you can start right now and make a brand new ending. James R. Sherman, Ph. D. - American writer (1928-2005), from "Rejection" (1982), often falsely attributed to C.S. Lewis (British writer, 1898-1963), Quotations book 2021

Complete, do nots top

Entrepreneurs don’t finish when we are tired. We finish when we are done. Robert T. Kiyosaki – American businessman and author (b. 1947), in a facebook message (March 19th, 2013), Quotations book 2021

Constante e sublime

Camminate con i piedi per terra e con il cuore abitate in cielo. Don Giovanni Melchiore Bosco - sacerdote cattolici e pedagogo italiano (1815-1888), Libretto delle citazioni 2021 Walk with your feet on the ground and your heart in the sky. Don Giovanni Melchiore Bosco – Italian Catholic priest and pedagogue (1815-1888), Quotations book 2021

Constructive debate

Dispute supports insight and that is worth a lot. Daniel Libeskind – American architect, artist and designer (b. 1946), from the interview "Der gebaute Horror" with Susanne von Beyer ("Der Spiegel", 18. January 1999), Quotations book 2021


What you've got to do in politics is be sure that what you say can be justified by principle, by argument, and to put it across. As I always say, never follow the crowd. Make up your own mind and get the crowd to follow you. Margaret Thatcher, Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven - British politician, 1979-90 Prime Minister (1925-2013), Quotations book 2021


I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. I felt fear myself more times than I can remember, but I hid it behind a mask of boldness. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. Nelson Mandela – South African anti-apartheid activist and politician, 1994-99 president, Nobel Peace Prize (1918-2013), from his autobiography...


Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning how to dance in the rain. Vivian Greene - British writer, expert for doll's houses (1904-2003), Quotations book 2021


No democracy has ever been inflicted by a famine, and no two democracies have ever made war on each other. Johan Norberg – Swedish writer (b. 1973), from his film "Globalisation Is Good" (2003), Quotations book 2021

Do good

We must never miss an opportunity that God gives us to do good. Don Giovanni Melchiore Bosco - Italian Catholic priest and pedagogue (1815-1888), from "Memorie Biografiche", book VI, chapter XXXV, 493 (1907), Libretto delle citazioni 2021 Non dobbiamo mai lasciarci sfuggire un"occasione che il Signore ci presenta per fare del bene. Don Giovanni Melchiore Bosco - sacerdote cattolici e pedagogo...


You see things; and you say "Why?" But I dream things that never were; and I say "Why not?" George Bernard Shaw - Irish writer, Nobel Prize in literature 1925 (1856-1950), from "Back to Methuselah" (1922), Quotations book 2021

Everything starts small

The beginnings of all things are small. Omnium enim rerum principia parva sunt. Marcus Tullius Cicero – Roman politician (106-43 B.C.), from "On the ends of good and evil", book V, chapter XXI ("De finibus bonorum et malorum", 45 B.C.), Quotations book 2021