

What would life be if we didn’t dare to take things in hand? Vincent van Gogh - Dutch painter (1853-1890), in a letter to his brother Theo (December 29th, 1881), Quotations book 2021 Wat zou het leven zijn als we niet wat durfden aanpakken? Vincent van Gogh - Nederlands kunstschilder (1853-1890), in een brief aan zijn broer Theo (29 december 1881), Offerteboekje...


Do what you can and leave the rest to God. Don Giovanni Melchiore Bosco - Italian Catholic priest and pedagogue (1815-1888), from "Memorie Biografiche", book XIII, chapter XXVI, 832 (1932), Libretto delle citazioni 2021 Fa" quello che puoi, e Dio farà il resto. Don Giovanni Melchiore Bosco - sacerdote cattolici e pedagogo italiano (1815-1888), de "Memorie Biografiche", benda XIII, capitolo...

Do good

We must never miss an opportunity that God gives us to do good. Don Giovanni Melchiore Bosco - Italian Catholic priest and pedagogue (1815-1888), from "Memorie Biografiche", book VI, chapter XXXV, 493 (1907), Libretto delle citazioni 2021 Non dobbiamo mai lasciarci sfuggire un"occasione che il Signore ci presenta per fare del bene. Don Giovanni Melchiore Bosco - sacerdote cattolici e pedagogo...


To do nothing at all is the most difficult thing in the world, the most difficult and the most intellectual. Oscar Wilde - Irish writer (1854-1900), from "The Critic As Artist", scene 2 (1891), Quotations book 2021


The most powerful step that anyone can take to turn their dreams into reality is a simple one: You just need to start. Marc B. Randolph – co-founder of Netflix (b. 1958), from "That Will Never Work: The Birth of Netflix and the Amazing Life of an Idea" (2019), Quotations book 2021

Succès et objectifs

On ne fait jamais attention à ce qui a été fait; on ne voit que ce qui reste à faire. Marie Curie - aussi Marie Skłodowska-Curie, physicienne et chimiste française d"origine polonaise, prix Nobel de physique en 1903 et prix Nobel de chimie en 1911 (1867-1934), d"une lettre à son frère Józef Skłodowski (18/03/1894), Brochure de citation 2021 One never notices what has been done; one can only...


When you always wait until everything fits perfectly and you are really ready, you wait until the end of your life. Jan-David Golze - German business development expert,


Some people just watch a horse galloping by. Others see an opportunity to jump on. Jan-David Golze - German business development expert,


Action without vision is only passing time, vision without action is merely day dreaming, but vision with action can change the world. wisdom

What you can do today…

Do not put off to tomorrow the good you can do today, because maybe tomorrow you will not have time. Don Giovanni Melchiore Bosco - Italian Catholic priest and pedagogue (1815-1888), from "Memorie Biografiche", book IV, chapter XXXVII, 439 (1904) Non mandate al domani il bene che potete fare oggi, perché forse domani non avrete più tempo. Don Giovanni Melchiore Bosco - sacerdote cattolici e...


In the realist, faith is not born from miracles, but miracles from faith. Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsk - Russian writer (1821-1881), from "The Brothers Karamazov", part I, book one, chapter 5 (1880) В реалисте вера не от чуда рождается, а чудо от веры. Федор Достоевский - русский писатель (1821-1881), из "Бра́тья Карама́зовы", часть I, книга первая, глава 5...


I am Honest. I am Dependable. I am Diligent. I am Responsible. I am Disciplined. I am Loving. I am Faithful. I am an Implementer. Tom Ziglar – American entrepreneur, CEO Ziglar Inc. (b. 1965)


Do it with passion, or not at all. wisdom, attributed to Rosa Nouchette Carey - English children"s writer (1840-1909)

Start early

Plan the difficult when it is easy; Handle the big where it is small. The world"s hardest work begins when it is easy; The world"s largest effort begins where it is small. from the Tao Te Ching - most significant proverb collection of Daoism (chapter 63, 4th century BC), according to a legend written by Lao Tzu (Chinese philosopher, c. 3rd to 5th century BC)


Measure what is measurable, and make measurable what is not so. Galileo Galilei - Italian astronomist und physicist (1564-1642) Misura ciò che è misurabile e rendi misurabile ciò che non lo è. Galileo Galilei - astronomo e fisico italiano (1564-1642)


Never is done tomorrow what is not done today. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe – German poet (1749-18329, from "Faust: Part One", "Prelude on the Stage" (1808)


Rarely have I seen a situation where doing less than the other guy is a good strategy. James "Jimmy" Spithill – Australian yachtsman, 2010 and 2013 Americas Cup winner (b. 1979)


If you can"t do great things, do small things in a great way. Napoleon Hill - American writer: "Think And Grow Rich" (1883-1970)


L"intuizione, è l"intelligenza che commette un eccesso di velocità. proverbio italiano - Libretto delle citazioni 2020