Brochure 2025


Show me your friends, and I’ll show you your future. The people you’re hanging out with today are shaping the person you will become tomorrow. Craig Groeschel – American evangelical pastor and author, founder Life.Church (b. 1967), from "Divine Direction: 7 Decisions That Will Change Your Life" (2017), Quotations book 2025


Let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. The bible, 1 John 3:18 (NIV), Quotations book 2025

Search for the best

You're the average of the five people spend the most time with. attributed to Jim Rohn - American entrepreneur, author and motivational trainer (1930-2009), Quotations book 2025

Is it true, kind, necessary, helpful?

Before you speak ask yourself if what you are going to say is true, is kind, is necessary, is helpful. Bernard Meltzer - British computer scientist, one of the main founders of research on artificial intelligence (1916-2008), Quotations book 2025

Make it more simple

Almost all quality improvement comes via simplification of design, manufacturing... layout, processes, and procedures. Tom Peters - American author and consultant (b. 1942), from "Thriving on Chaos: Handbook for a Management Revolution" (1987), Quotations book 2025

Passion of entrepreneurs

What matters most is their passion- their focus on serving a large, unmet market need with an outstanding team and disruptive innovation. Their commitment to technical excellence, and obsessing on customers (not competition). Their pursuit of reasonable financings, but unreasonable, audacious goals. Their sense of urgency. Their ambition, vision, confidence and humility in putting their team...


L'uomo non è mai tanto grande come quando sta in ginocchio dinanzi a Dio. Papa Giovanni XXIII - Nato Angelo Guiseppe Roncalli, 1958-63 Santo Padre, chiamato anche "papa del Concilio" o per la sua umiltà e populismo "il Papa buono" (1881-1963), da un discorso ad un'udienza a Castel Gandolfo (11 settembre 1960), Libretto delle citazioni 2025

Create future

Who you are tomorrow begins with what you do today. Tim Fargo - American entrepreneur, MBA (b. 1961), Quotations book 2025

Trust in god

Trust in the LORD with all your heart. Do not depend on your own understanding. In all your ways obey him. Then he will make your paths smooth and straight. The Bible, Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIRV), Quotations book 2025

Invest Capital

Invest in seven ventures, yes, in eight; you do not know what disaster may come upon the land. The Bible, Ecclesiastes 11:2 (NIV), Quotations book 2025

Knowlegde helps

Even a blind pig can sometimes find truffles, but it helps to know that they grow in oak forests. David Ogilvy – legendary British advertising executive and entrepreneur (1911-1999), from "Confessions of an Advertising Man" (1963), Quotations book 2025


Remember that hope is a powerful weapon even when all else is lost. Nelson Mandela – South African anti-apartheid activist and politician, 1994-99 president, Nobel Peace Prize (1918-2013), from a letter sent to his wife, Winnie, while he was incarcerated (2 April 1969), Quotations book 2025

Defeat fear

There are things to be frightened of. But what you have to do is put that fear into a little box and put it in the corner of the room and then you can have your day. Sir Salman Rushdie – Indian-born British author (b. 1947), in an interview with Denis Scheck at the 75th Frankfurt book fair ("Frankfurter Buchmesse Spezial: Literaturgala", 21. October 2023), Quotations book...


Good habits are as addictive as bad habits, and a lot more rewarding. Harvey Mackay - American entrepreneur and author of the 2005 New York Times N° 1 bestseller "Swim With The Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive" (b. 1932), from "Pushing the Envelope: All the Way to the Top" (1998), Quotations book 2025


Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much. Helen Keller - American deaf-blind writer (1880-1968), from a hoily, published in "Helen and Teacher: The Story of Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan Macy" (1980), Quotations book 2025

Lesson for life

You come to understand that most people are neither for you nor against you, they are thinking about themselves. You learn that no matter how hard you try to please, some people in this world are not going to love you, a lesson that is at first troubling and then really quite relaxing. John W. Gardner - American politician and philanthropist, 1965-1968 Secretary of Health, Education, and...

Sólo Dios Basta

Nada te turbe, nada te espante, todo se pasa; Dios no se muda. La paciencia todo lo alcanza. Qien a Dios tiene nada le falta. Sólo Dios Basta. Teresa de Àvila - mística y monja católica española (1515-1582), del poema "Nada te Turbe", que se encontró junto a ella tras su muerte y que ahora forma parte de los "Cantos de Taizé", Libro de citas 2017 Let nothing disturb you, Let nothing affright...

Know your limits

No matter how skillfully you climb a tree, you can never get higher than its crown. Haruki Murakami - Japanese writer (b. 1949), from "The City and Its Uncertain Walls", part III ("街とその不確かな壁", 2023), Quotations book 2025

Cost awareness

Our experience has been that the manager of an already high-cost operation frequently is uncommonly resourceful in finding new ways to add to overhead while the manager of a tightly-run operation usually continues to find additional methods to curtail costs, even when his costs are already well below those of his competitors. Warren Buffett - American value investor, Chairman of Berkshire...