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There is no future without memory. Prof. Emilio Lledó – Spanish philosopher (b. 1927) No hay futuro sin memoria. Prof. Emilio Lledó – Filósofo español (*1927)

Live now!

Those who enjoy the present will have a wonderful past in the future. motivation - Quotations book 2024

Rester curieux

The future belongs to the curious by profession. Prof. Albert Sorel - French historian and writer (1842-1906), quoted by his student Henri-Pierre Roché (French writer, 1879-1959) in his book "Jules et Jim" (1953), adapted into a film in 1962 by François Truffaut (French film director, 1932-1984) L'avenir est aux curieux de profession. Prof. Albert Sorel - historien et écrivain français...


Without change there is no innovation, creativity, or incentive for improvement. Those who initiate change will have a better opportunity to manage the change that is inevitable. C. William Pollard - American entrepreneur, investor and author (b. 1938), from "The Soul of the Firm" in "The Implementation of the Abstinence Education Provisions in the Welfare Reform-Hearing Before the...


Io amo il futuro e mi piacciono i giovani. La mia vita è stata tutta una scommessa sul futuro. Giovanni "Gianni" Agnelli - imprenditore italiano, "Fiat" (1921-2003) I love the future and I like young people. My whole life has been a bet on the future. Giovanni "Gianni" Agnelli - Italian entrepreneur, "Fiat" (1921-2003)

Joy follows pain

The greater joy is everywhere preceded by the greater pain. Ubique maius gaudium molestia maiore praeceditur. Augustine of Hippo - known as Aurelius Augustinus, early Christian theologian and philosopher, one of the four Latin Doctors of Church (354-430), from "Confessions", Book 8, Chapter 3.8 ("Confessiones", c. 397/400)


Mot det förgångna: tack, till det kommande: ja! Dag H. A. C. Hammarskjöld - Svensk jurist, 1953-61 FN:s generalsekreterare, Nobels fredspris postumt 1961 (1905-1961), från en dagboksanteckning från 1953, publicerad i "Vägmärken" (postumt 1963) For all that has been — Thanks. For all that shall be — Yes. Dag H. A. C. Hammarskjöld – Swedish jurist, 1953-61 UN Secretary-General, Nobel Peace...


The future depends on what you do today. attributed to Mahatma Gandhi - Indian politician (1869-1948)


The best way to predict the future is to invent it. Dr. Alan C. Kay – American computer scientist (b. 1940), at a "Xerox Palo Alto Research Center" meeting (1971), Quotations book 2021


Our scars remind us of our past, they do not define our future. proverb, falsely attributed to Mark Twain – born Samuel Langhorne Clemens, American writer (1835-1910)


Przyszłości się nie poznaje, lecz się ją tworzy. Stanisław Brzozowski - polski filozof i pisarz (1878 - 1911), z "Legenda Młodej Polski. Studia o strukturze duszy kulturalnej" (1910) You don"t recognize the future, but you create it. Stanisław Brzozowski - Polisch philosopher and writer (1878-1911), from "The Legend of Young Poland. Studies on the Structure of the Cultural Spirit" ("Legenda...


Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does. attributed to William James - American philosopher and psychologist (1842-1910), Quotations book 2020

Know your past

Only those who know the past have a future. attributed to Wilhelm von Humboldt - Prussiian scholar, writer and statesman (1767-1835), allegedly said during a journey to Paris in 1789, Quotations book 2020 No source could be verified by the Wilhelm von Humboldt foundation.


Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. attributed to Malcolm X zugeschrieben - born Malcolm Little; American Muslim preacher and civil rights activist (1925-1965)

Enjoy uncertainty

You have a choice. You can worry until you drop dead. Or you can prefer to enjoy the little bit of uncertainty. Norman Mailer - American writer and director (1923-2007)


There is a future for the man of peace. The bible, Psalm 37:37 (ESV) - Quotations book 2019


We are the makers of our own destiny. We can mend or mar the present and on that will depend the future. Mahatma Gandhi - Indian politician (1869-1948), from an interview with the Chinese ambassador in India, Dr. Lo Chia Luen (1947)


We are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives. Criswell (aka "The Amazing Criswell") - born Jeron Criswell Konig, American Entertainer and spycic  (1907-1982), from the beginning speech of the science fiction movie "Plan 9 From Outer Space" (1957)

Façonner l’avenir

Pour ce qui est de l"avenir, il ne s"agit pas de le prévoir, mais de le rendre possible. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry - écrivain et aviateur français (1900-1944), de "La Citadelle" (1948)


If the rate of change on the outside exceeds the rate of change on the inside, the end is in sight. Jack Welch - born John Francis Welch jr., legendary American manager: General Electric (1935-2020), Fortune 1999: Manager of the Century