The following table about missunderstanding in conversation with British people has been published in several blogs and on several websites without any further attribution.
What the British say |
What the British mean |
What foreigners understand |
I hear what you say |
I disagree and do not want to discuss it further |
He accepts my point of view |
With the greatest respect |
You are an idiot |
He is listening to me |
That’s not bad |
That’s good |
That’s poor |
That is a very brave proposal |
You are insane |
He thinks I have courage |
Quite good |
A bit disappointing |
Quite good |
I would suggest |
Do it or be prepared to justify yourself |
Think about the idea, but do what you like |
Oh, incidentally/by the way |
The primary purpose of our discussion is |
That is not very important |
I was a bit disappointed that |
I am annoyed that |
It doesn’t really matter |
Very interesting |
That is clearly nonsense |
They are impressed |
I’ll bear it in mind |
I’ve forgotten it already |
They will probably do it |
I’m sure it’s my fault |
It’s your fault |
Why do they think it was their fault? |
You must come for dinner |
It’s not an invitation, I’m just being polite |
I will get an invitation soon |
I almost agree |
I don’t agree at all |
He’s not far from agreement |
I only have a few minor comments |
Please rewrite completely |
He has found a few typos |
Could we consider some other options |
I don’t like your idea |
They have not yet decided |