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Voir Dieu

Qui veut voir Dieu vivant, face à face, doit le chercher, non dans le firmament désert de sa pensée, mais dans l"amour des hommes. Romain Rolland - écrivain et pacifiste français, prix Nobel de littérature 1915 (1866-1944), de "Jean-Christophe: L"Adolescent" (1904), Brochure de citation 2014


Car il suffit pour y voir clair de changer de perspective. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry -  écrivain, et aviateur français (1900-1944), de "La Citaelle" (1948), Brochure de citation 2014


Le bonheur est de connaître ses limites et de les aimer. Romain Rolland - écrivain et pacifiste français, prix Nobel de littérature 1915 (1866-1944), de "Jean-Christophe: La Nouvelle Journée" (1912)


Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor. If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. The Bible, Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 (NIV) - Quotations book 2016


Manger est une nécessité, mais manger intelligemment est un art. To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art. attributed to François de La Rochefoucauld - French aphorist (1613-1680)

Achieving collaboratively

Firms come into being in order to enable human beings to achieve collaboratively what they could not achieve alone. Prof. Morten T. Hansen/Prof. Nitin Nohria - Professor at University of California (b. 196?)/Deacan at Harvard Business School (b. 1962), from "How to Build Collaborative Advantage" (MIT Sloan Management Review, 2004)


Bad businesses throw problems at you. Good businesses throw cash flow. from business

Hold on

No one would have crossed the ocean if he could have gotten off the ship in the storm. Charles Franklin Kettering - American inventor and head of research at General Motors (1876-1958), Quotations book 2007 und 2014


Negotiation is not a sign of weakness but of confidence. Prof. Roger Fisher - author and professor at Harvard Law School (1922-2012)

Good tax

There is no such thing as a good tax. Some are better than others, some are worse. But there is no such thing as a good tax. All taxes are at best necessary evils and burdens. Thomas P. Gore - American senator, ralated to former US Vice President and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Al Gore (1870-1949)

Fertile working

The best fertilizer is always the footprint of the farmer. Thomas G. Hardie - American entrepreneur (Caledonia Spirits Inc.) and farmer (1860-1933), Quotations book 2018

Secret of success

The secret of success is to do the common things uncommonly well. attributed to John D. Rockefeller Jr. - American philanthropist (1874-1960)

Problem solving

A problem well stated is a problem half solved. attributed to Charles Franklin Kettering - American inventor and head of research at General Motors (1876-1958)


People create growth, companies report it. Brian Joffe - South African company founder: Bidvest Group (b. 1947)

Financial analysts

Financial analysts are like politicians, never there to be counted when they’re wrong. Brian Joffe - South African company founder: Bidvest Group (b. 1947)

Zip it

Don’t open your mouth at your first board meeting. Brian Joffe - South African company founder: Bidvest Group (b. 1947)


You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great. Joe Sabah - American motivational speaker (1931-2019)


Processes don"t work, people do. Dr. John Seely Brown - American computer scientis (b. 1940)


Ingenium res adversae nudare solent, celare secundae. Adversity often reveals genius, success conceals it. Quintus Horatius Flaccus (Horaz) - Roman writer (65-8 B.C.), from "Sermones" 2,8,74 f (c. 40 B.C.), Quotations book 2016


As for property, it is a duty to make money, but only by honourable means; it is a duty also to save it and increase it by care and thrift. Res autem familiaris quaeri debet iis rebus, a quibus abest turpitudo, conservari autem diligentia et parsimonia, eisdem etiam rebus augeri. Marcus Tullius Cicero - Roman politician (106-43 B.C.), from "De officiis" (41...