Brochure 2024

Liebe das Leben

Liebe das Lebendenn jede trübe Stimmung ist eine Illusion.denn schlechte Launen sind ein Beweis, daß Du gegen Deine Bestimmung lebst.denn was immer geschieht, es liegt an Dir, ob Du Zufriedenheit oder Unglück darin erkennst.denn der ganze Tag schmeckt so, wie Du ihn am Morgen gewürzt hast.denn Zufriedenheit heißt nicht, das Beste gepachtet zu haben, sondern mit Gottes Hilfe das Beste aus...

Recipe for Christmas

Recipe for a beautiful Christmas: A starry sky Peacefulness for prayer An encounter with Christ, the Son of God Singing to the glory of God A helping hand for others Good wishes from a fellow human being … and the Christmas story. wish for Christmas – inspired by an online article at "Christliche Perlen": "Recipe for a beautiful Christmas" ("Rezept für ein schönes Weihnachten") (5 September...


If you dare, grows your courage. If you hesitate, grows your fear. wisdom - Quotations book 2024


If you never miss a plane, you're spending too much time in airports. George J. Stigler - American economist, Nobel Memorial Prize in economic sciences 1982 (1911-1991), Quotations book 2024


The highest form that civilization can reach is a seamless web of deserved trust. Not much procedure, just totally reliable people correctly trusting one another. Charlie Munger - Vice Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway (1924-2023), Quotations book 2024

Knowledge and experience

The young man knows the rules, but the old man knows the exceptions. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. - American physician and writer (1809-1894), from his Valedictory Address, delivered to the Graduating Class of the Bellevue Hospital College (March 2, 1871), reprinted in the "New York Medical Journal", issue 13 (April 1871), Quotations book 2024

Way to success

The way to be successful is to do what you love and love what you do. Leon G. Cooperman – American investor and company founder: Omega Advisors, Inc. (b. 1943), Quotations book 2024


Boil things down to their fundamental truths and reason up from there. Elon Musk – South African-born American engineer, designer and founding entrepreneur: Tesla (b. 1971), in an interview with TED Curator Chris Anderson (16 August 2016), Quotations book 2024

Live now!

Those who enjoy the present will have a wonderful past in the future. motivation - Quotations book 2024

Lern from quotes

One of my hobbies is collecting quotations. Socrates said employ your time in reading great people’s lives so you can learn in a very simple way what it took them all their life to do. The best way I found to do that is in a quote. Sometimes in a quote you can capture what a person took a whole life to learn, incredible wisdom through that. I have about 8,000 quotes on my computer and I log...


Le but de la dispute ou de la discussion ne doit pas être la victoire, mais l'amélioration. Joseph Joubert - essayiste français (1754-1824), de ses notes, publiées dans "Pensées, maximes, essais et correspondance de J. Joubert" (1842), Brochure de citation 2024 The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress. Joseph Joubert - French essayist (1754-1824), from his...


God never said that the journey would be easy, but He did say that the arrival would be worthwhile. Max Lucado – American author and evagelicale theologean, minister at Oak Hills Church (b. 1955), from "Safe in the Shepherd's Arms: Hope and Encouragement from Psalm 23" (2001), Quotations book 2024


Everything can be improved. Clarence W. Barron - American financial journalist, one of the most influential figures in the history of publishing company "Dow Jones & Company" (1855-1928), the Swedish compnay EQT has expendet the quote: "Everything can always be improved at all times", Quotations book...

Do not give up

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. Samuel Beckett - Irish writer, Nobel prize in literature 1969 (1906–1989), frim "Worstward Ho" (1983), Quotations book 2024

Rester curieux

The future belongs to the curious by profession. Prof. Albert Sorel - French historian and writer (1842-1906), quoted by his student Henri-Pierre Roché (French writer, 1879-1959) in his book "Jules et Jim" (1953), adapted into a film in 1962 by François Truffaut (French film director, 1932-1984) L'avenir est aux curieux de profession. Prof. Albert Sorel - historien et écrivain français...

Think positive

Staying positive doesn't mean that things will always work out. Rather, it is the knowledge that you will be fine no matter how it turns out. Garth Ennis – British-American comic book writer and graphic novel author (b. 1970), Quotations book 2024

Writing generates ideas

Writing doesn't just communicate ideas; it generates them. If you're bad at writing and don't like to do it, you'll miss out on most of the ideas writing would have generated. Paul Graham – English-born American computer scientist, entrepreneur and author (b. 1964), in his text "Writing, Briefly" (March, 2005), Quotations book 2024

Quality management

The main message of the Kaizen strategy is that not a day should go by without some kind of improvement being made somewhere in the company. Masaaaki Imai - founder of Kaizen Institute, known as the "father of Continuous Improvement" and for his work on quality management, specifically on "Kaizen" (1930-2023), Quotations book 2024


What matters most: passion or competence that was born in? Berkshire is full of people who have a peculiar passion for their own business. I would argue passion is more important than brain power. Charlie Munger - Vice Chairman Berkshire Hathaway (1924-2023), Quotations book 2024

Mortal – immortal

That in the meantime we die, we are passing over to immortality by death; nor can eternal life follow, unless it should befall us to depart from this life. That is not an ending, but a transit [and, this journey of time being traversed, a passage to eternity]. Quod interim morimur, ad inmortalitatem morte transgredimur nec potest uita aeterna succedere, nisi hinc contigerit exire. Non est...