

The joy of Easter is the joy of eternal life. attributed to Norman Vincent Peale - American clergyman and author (1898-1993), could not be verified by the "Peale Foundation" in Pawling/New York


Passion [...] is there in the excitement of the unexpected, in the desire to do something with real fervour, in the certainty that one is going to realise a dream. Passion sends us signals that guide us through our lives, and it's up to me to interpret those signs. Paulo Coelho de Souza – Brazilian writer (b. 1947), from "Eleven Minutes" ("Onze Minutos", 2003) Paixão [...] está na excitação...

Points de vue

Le seul véritable voyage [...] ce ne serait pas d’aller vers de nouveaux paysages, mais d’avoir d’autres yeux. Marcel Proust - écrivain français (1871-1922), de "À la recherche du temps perdu", tome 5: "La Prisonnière", chapitre 2: "Les Verdurin se brouillent avec M. de Charlus" (1923), Brochure de citation 2004 The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having...


What matters most: passion or competence that was born in? Berkshire is full of people who have a peculiar passion for their own business. I would argue passion is more important than brain power. Charlie Munger - Vice Chairman Berkshire Hathaway (1924-2023), Quotations book 2024


Standing on the assembly line is work! What I do is leisure activities with a professional background. Karl Lagerfeld – German fashion designer, artist and photographer (1933-2019)

Life’s work

I always look to invest in a manager who has made the company his or her life's work. Robert "Rob" Vinall – British value investor, founder and managing director of RV Capital (b. 1973), Quotations book 2024

Joy of work

I like what I do so much that I don’t consider it work. Albert L. Ueltschi – American pilot and businessman, founder and until 1952 president "FlightSafety International" (1917-2012), Quotations book 2024


Who cannot do what he wants, has to want what he can do. Chi non può quel che vuol, quel che può voglia. Leonardo da Vinci - Italian polymath (1452-1519), from a sonnet of disputed origin


Felix, qui quod amat defendere fortiter audet. Happy is he who dares courageously to defend what he loves. Ovid - born Publius Ovidius Naso, Roman poet (43 B.C. – c. 17 A.C.), from his love poems "Amores", book II, poem V (16 B.C.), Quotations book 2023

Bike ride

Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride. wisdom, often falsely attributed to John F. Kennedy (American politician, 1961-63 35th president (1917-1963), could not be verifeid by the JFK Library Textual Archives


Happiness resides not in cattles, and not in gold, happiness dwells in the soul. εὐδαιμονίη οὐκ ἐν βοσκήμασιν οἰκεῖ οὐδὲ ἐν χρυσῶι· ψυχὴ οἰκητήριον δαίμονος. Democritus from Abdera - Greek philosopher (c. 460 -371 B.C.), fragment 171


Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning how to dance in the rain. Vivian Greene - British writer, expert for doll's houses (1904-2003), Quotations book 2021


I strongly believe that missionaries make better products. They care more. For a missionary, it’s not just about the business. There has to be a business, and the business has to make sense, but that’s not why you do it. You do it because you have something meaningful that motivates you. Jeffrey P. "Jeff" Bezos – American company founder: Amazon (b. 1964),in an interview with "Fortune" (June...


I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious. Albert Einstein - German physicist, Nobel Prize in physics 1921 (1879-1955), from a letter to Carl Seelig (11.3.1952), Quotations book 2008


There are only a few activities from which I derive intense pleasure, and speaking is not one of them. attributed to Sir Winston L. Churchill – British politician, 1940-45 and 1951-55 Prime Minister, Nobel Prize in literature 1953 (1874-1965)

Help others

The more you do for others, the better shape you"re in. Walter Breuning - American railroader and supercentenarian, 2009-2011 world"s oldest known man (1896-2011)


La reconnaissance est la mémoire du cœur. Jean Massieu - pionnier français de l"éducation des sourds (1772-1846) Gratitude is the memory of the heart. Jean Massieu - French pioneer in deaf educating (1772-1846)


Look for the activity, that gives you the energy you put into it back to you in the form of enthusiasm. William "Bill" Hybels – American Evangelical minister, founding and former senior pastor of Willow Creek Community Church (b. 1951), in his notes to the "Global Leadership Summit 2017"


We don"t laugh because we"re happy - we"re happy because we laugh. solgan of the laughter yoga movement, attributed to William James - American philosopher and psychologist (1842-1910)