
Watchword 2025

But test everything; hold fast what is good. The Bible, 1 Thessalonians 5:21 (ESV) The Protestant pastor and song writer Otto Riethmüller (1889-1939) - he belonged to the Confessing Church - decided in 1930 under the impression of the Nacional Socialism’s propaganda, to give henceforth every calendar year a headline with a Bible verse. An act of civil courage! He has established a tradition...

Watchword 2024

Let all that you do be done in love. The Bible, 1 Corinthians 16:14 (ESV) - Quotations book 2024 The Protestant pastor and song writer Otto Riethmüller (1889-1939) - he belonged to the Confessing Church - decided in 1930 under the impression of the Nacional Socialism’s propaganda, to give henceforth every calendar year a headline with a Bible verse. An act of civil courage! He has established...

Watchword 2023

You are the God who sees me. The Bible, Genesis 16:13 (NIV) The Protestant pastor and song writer Otto Riethmüller (1889-1939) - he belonged to the Confessing Church - decided in 1930 under the impression of the Nacional Socialism’s propaganda, to give henceforth every calendar year a headline with a Bible verse. An act of civil courage! He has established a tradition that still exists today....

Watchword 2022

Jesus Christ said: I will never send away anyone who comes to me. The Bible, John 6:37 (NIRV) - Quotations book 2022 The Protestant pastor and song writer Otto Riethmüller (1889-1939) - he belonged to the Confessing Church - decided in 1930 under the impression of the Nacional Socialism’s propaganda, to give henceforth every calendar year a headline with a Bible verse. An act of civil...

Watchword 2021

Jesus Christ said: Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. The Bible, Lucas 6:36 (NIV) - Quotations book 2021 The Protestant pastor and song writer Otto Riethmüller (1889-1939) - he belonged to the Confessing Church - decided in 1930 under the impression of the Nacional Socialism’s propaganda, to give henceforth every calendar year a headline with a Bible verse. An act of civil courage!...

Watchword 2020

I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief! The Bible, Marcus 9:24 (NIV) - Quotations book 2020 The Protestant pastor and song writer Otto Riethmüller (1889-1939) - he belonged to the Confessing Church - decided in 1930 under the impression of the Nacional Socialism’s propaganda, to give henceforth every calendar year a headline with a Bible verse. An act of civil courage! He has established...

Watchword 2019

Seek peace and pursue it. The Bible, Psalms 34:15 (NIV) - Quotations book 2019 The Protestant pastor and song writer Otto Riethmüller (1889-1939) - he belonged to the Confessing Church - decided in 1930 under the impression of the Nacional Socialism’s propaganda, to give henceforth every calendar year a headline with a Bible verse. An act of civil courage! He has established a tradition that...

Watchword 2018

God says: To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life. The bible, Revelation 21:6 (NIV) - Quotations book 2018 The Protestant pastor and song writer Otto Riethmüller (1889-1939) - he belonged to the Confessing Church - decided in 1930 under the impression of the Nacional Socialism’s propaganda, to give henceforth every calendar year a headline with a...

Watchword 2017

God says: I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you. The bible, Ezekiel 36:26 (NIV) - Zitateheft 2017 The Protestant pastor and song writer Otto Riethmüller (1889-1939) - he belonged to the Confessing Church - decided in 1930 under the impression of the Nacional Socialism’s propaganda, to give henceforth every calendar year a headline with a Bible verse. An act of civil courage!...

Watchword 2016

God says: As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you. The Bible, Isaiah 66:13 (NRSV) - Quotations book 2016 The Protestant pastor and song writer Otto Riethmüller (1889-1939) - he belonged to the Confessing Church - decided in 1930 under the impression of the Nacional Socialism’s propaganda, to give henceforth every calendar year a headline with a Bible verse. An act of civil...

Watchword 2015

Accept one another as Christ accepted us, to the glory of God. The Bible, Romans 15:7 (NRSV) - Quotations book 2015 The Protestant pastor and song writer Otto Riethmüller (1889-1939) - he belonged to the Confessing Church - decided in 1930 under the impression of the Nacional Socialism’s propaganda, to give henceforth every calendar year a headline with a Bible verse. An act of civil courage!...

Watchword 2014

But for me it is good to be near God. The Bible, Psalm 73:28 (NRSV) - Quotations book 2014 The Protestant pastor and song writer Otto Riethmüller (1889-1939) - he belonged to the Confessing Church - decided in 1930 under the impression of the Nacional Socialism’s propaganda, to give henceforth every calendar year a headline with a Bible verse. An act of civil courage! He has established a...

Watchword 2013

Here we have no lasting city, but we are looking for the city that is to come. The Bible, Hebrew 13:14 (NRSV) - Quotations book 2013 The Protestant pastor and song writer Otto Riethmüller (1889-1939) - he belonged to the Confessing Church - decided in 1930 under the impression of the Nacional Socialism’s propaganda, to give henceforth every calendar year a headline with a Bible verse. An act...

Watchword 2012

Jesus Christ said: My power is made perfekt in weakness. The Bible, 2. Corinthians 12:9 (NIV) - Quotations book 2012 The Protestant pastor and song writer Otto Riethmüller (1889-1939) - he belonged to the Confessing Church - decided in 1930 under the impression of the Nacional Socialism’s propaganda, to give henceforth every calendar year a headline with a Bible verse. An act of civil...

Watchword 2011

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. The Bible, Romans 12:21 (NIV) - Quotations book 2011 The Protestant pastor and song writer Otto Riethmüller (1889-1939) - he belonged to the Confessing Church - decided in 1930 under the impression of the Nacional Socialism’s propaganda, to give henceforth every calendar year a headline with a Bible verse. An act of civil courage! He...

Watchword 2010

Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me. The Bible, John 14:1 (NRSV) – Quotations book 2010 The Protestant pastor and song writer Otto Riethmüller (1889-1939) - he belonged to the Confessing Church - decided in 1930 under the impression of the Nacional Socialism’s propaganda, to give henceforth every calendar year a headline with a Bible verse. An act of civil...

Watchword 2009

What is possible with man is possible with God. The Bible, Lucas 18:27 (NIV) - Zitateheft 2009 The Protestant pastor and song writer Otto Riethmüller (1889-1939) - he belonged to the Confessing Church - decided in 1930 under the impression of the Nacional Socialism’s propaganda, to give henceforth every calendar year a headline with a Bible verse. An act of civil courage! He has established a...

Watchword 2008

I live, you also will live. The Bible, John 14:19 (NIV) - Quotations book 2008 The Protestant pastor and song writer Otto Riethmüller (1889-1939) - he belonged to the Confessing Church - decided in 1930 under the impression of the Nacional Socialism’s propaganda, to give henceforth every calendar year a headline with a Bible verse. An act of civil courage! He has established a tradition that...

Watchword 2007

Behold! I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? The Bible, Jesaja 43:19a (ESV) - Quotations book 2007 The Protestant pastor and song writer Otto Riethmüller (1889-1939) - he belonged to the Confessing Church - decided in 1930 under the impression of the Nacional Socialism’s propaganda, to give henceforth every calendar year a headline with a Bible verse. An act of...

Watchword 2006

I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. The Bible, Josua 1:5 (KJV) - Quotations book 2006 The Protestant pastor and song writer Otto Riethmüller (1889-1939) - he belonged to the Confessing Church - decided in 1930 under the impression of the Nacional Socialism’s propaganda, to give henceforth every calendar year a headline with a Bible verse. An act of civil courage! He has established a...