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Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does. attributed to William James - American philosopher and psychologist (1842-1910), Quotations book 2020


The woods would be very silent if no bird sang but those that sing best. Elizabeth Charles - English writer (1828-1896), from "The Two Vocations or The Sisters of Mercy at Home" (1858), Quotations book 2020

Do it yourself

Listen and you will forget. Write it down and you will remember. Do it yourself and you will understand. Credo the energetic - Quotations book 2020


He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose. Philip James "Jim" Elliot - American evangelical Christian missionary in Ecuador, killed by the Huaorani people (1927-2956), in "To Carry the Light Farther: A Story of Faith, Sacrifice and Cultural Conflict in the Jungles of Ecuador" (1946)

Keep in move

Beware of balance. Michael Charles "Mike" Yaconelli - American writer, theologian and satirist, co-founder and owner of Youth Specialties (1942-2003), in "Messy Spirituality" (2002)

Doing good

One has to do good in order for it to exist in the world. Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach - Austrian writer (1830-1916), from her "Aphorisms", published in "Gesammelte Schriften", book 1 (1893)


We need to feel a high sense of urgency. But this does not mean that we should mount our charger and try to ride off in all directions at once. Dwight David Eisenhower - American general and politician, 1953-61 34th president (1890-1969), in a radio and television address to the American people on science in national security (November 7, 1957)

Knowledge is power

Never assume! Ask, analyse, test, implement! Bernd Keller - German company founder, CEO "tRUE STANDARD" (b. 1966)


If it scares you, it might be a good thing to try. Seth W. Godin – American author and former dot com business executive and company founder (b. 1960)


The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - American poet (1807-1882), from "The Ladder of St. Augustine" (1858), Quotations book 2019

Solve problems

Whatever the problem, be part of the solution. Tina Fey -American comedienne and actress (b. 1970), from her book "Bossypants" (2011)


The main problem with functionalism is that it does not function. Stefan Sagmeister - Austrian graphic desinger and typographer (b. 1962), at the "SCHØN" conference in the Augsburg house of prayer (June 2018)


When you"re finished changing, you"re finished. attributed to Benjamin Franklin - American politician, writer and scientist (1706-1790)


It is far better to light the candle than to curse the darkness. William L. Watkinson - English Methodist preacher and writer (1838-1925), from his sermon "The Invincible Strategy" (1907), Quotations book 2019


Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. John Wooden - American basketball player and coach (1910-2010), Quotations book 2019

Act well

It is not enough to wish well, we must also act well. Non enim satis est bene velle, sed etiam bene facere. Ambrose of Milan – Roman politician and theologian, one of the four Latin doctors of the Church, 374-397 Bishop of Milan (c. 339-397), from "De officiis ministrorum" (On the Duties of the Clergy), Chapter 30, 143. (388/9), Quotations book...


He who waits gets a tailwind, and he who rows, a harbour. Hann fær byr, ið bíðar, og havn, ið rør. Faroese proverb - Quotations book 2018

Dreams and actions

Let your dreams be bigger than your fears and your actions speak louder than your words. wisdom - Quotations book 2019