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MBA students come out with: "My staff is my most important asset." Bullshit. Staff is usually your biggest cost. We all employ some lazy bastards who needs a kick up the backside, but no one can bring themselves to admit it. Michael O"Leary - Irish businessman, who made Ryanair one of the largest European airlines (b. 1961)


There’s a lot of big egos in this industry. Most chief executives got into this business because they want to travel for a living. Not me, I want to work. Michael O"Leary - Irish businessman, who made Ryanair one of the largest European airlines (b. 1961), Quotations book 2017

Artists and bankers

When bankers get together for dinner, they discuss art. When artists get together for dinner, they discuss money. attributed to Oscar Wilde - Irish writer (1854-1900), Quotations book 2017


Look in the eyes and not in the files. Dr. h.c. Helmut O. Maucher - former CEO of Nestlè (1927-2018), Quotations book 2015

Good work

What ever you do, do it well. Do it so well that when people see you do it they will want to come back and see you do it again and they will want to bring others and show them how well you do what you do. Walt Disney - American cartoonist and film producer (1901-1966), Quotations book 2015

Zip it

Don’t open your mouth at your first board meeting. Brian Joffe - South African company founder: Bidvest Group (b. 1947)


Work is personal commitment, but no burden. Patrizio Bertelli - Italian entrepreneur (Prada, b. 1946)

Go to the place of events

I say young managers: Go out to your employees, go out to your customers. Make sure that a creative, vibrant atmosphere is created so that things get going. Every day you spend in your office, is a lost day. Jack Welch - born John Francis Welch jr., legendary American manager: General Electric (1935-2020), Fortune 1999: Manager of the Century, Quotations book 2014


There are few, if any, jobs in which ability alone is sufficient. Needed, also, are loyalty, sincerity, enthusiasm and team play. attributed to William B. Given Jr.  - American entrepreneur: American Brake Shoe Company, Quotations book 2014


Les médecins qui vont le mieux: ses succès là-bas, et de leurs échecs sont enterrés. attribué à Jacques Tati - né Jacques Tatischeff, réalisateur et acteur français (1907-1982)


The higher the pay in enjoyment the worker gets out of it, the higher shall be his pay in cash, also. Mark Twain - born Samuel Langhorne Clemens, American writer (1835-1910), from "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur`s Court" (1889), Chapter XXVIII, Quotations book 2013


The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. Steve Jobs - American company founder: Apple (1955-2011), to graduates at Stanford University on June 12th, 2005, Quotations book 2013


When you hire people who love what they do, they make you look like a genious. Warren Buffett - American value investor, Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway (b. 1930), Quotations book 2012

Fountain of youth

To find joy in work is to discover the fountain of youth. Pearl S. Buck - American writer, Nobel Prize in literature 1938 (1892-1973), from "The Joy of Children" (1964), Quotations book 2012

Good work

If it falls your lot to sweep streets in life, sweep streets like Michelangelo painted pictures. Sweep streets like Beethoven composed music. Sweep streets like Shakespeare wrote poetry. Sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will have to pause and say: "Here lived a great street sweeper, who swept his job well." Martin Luther King jr. - American civil rights activist...

Pray and work

Ora et labora! Benedict of Nursia - founder of the benedictine order (c. 480-547), motto of the St. Benedict"s order, Quotations book 2012

Arouse enthusiasm

I consider my ability to arouse enthusiasm to be my greatest asset, and the way to develop the best that is in a person is by appreciation and encouragement. There is nothing that kills the ambitions of a person as much as criticisms from superiors. I never criticize anyone. I believe in giving people incentive to work. So I am anxious to praise but loath to find fault. If I like anything, I...

Character test

Most people can bear adversity, but if you wish to know, what a man really ist, give him power. Robert G. Ingersoll - American jurist and orator (1833-1899); about Abraham Lincoln, American politician, 1861-65 16th president (1809-1865), from "True Greatness Exemplified in Abraham Lincoln" (1883)


Our prototype for occupational fervor is the Catholic tailor who used his small savings of many years to finance a pilgrimage to the Vatican. When he returned, his parish held a special meeting to get his firsthand account of the Pope. "Tell us," said the eager faithful, "just what sort of fellow is he?" Our hero wasted no words. "He"s a forty-four medium." Warren Buffett - American value...