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Suchergebnis nicht zufriedenstellend? Versuche es mal mit einem Wortteil oder einer anderen Schreibweise


The real secret of success is enthusiasm. Walter P. Chrysler - American company founder (1875-1940)


There’s nothing in the Ten Commandments forbidding old ladies to climb trees, is there? Astrid Lindgren - Swedish writer (1907-2002), happily to a film crew during the production of the television film "Tuffa gumman" ("The Tough Old Lady", 1979), Quotations book 2020 Det står väl inte i Mose lag att gamla kärringar inte får klättra i träd! Astrid Lindgren – svensk författare (1907-2002),...


A smile is the universal welcome. Max Eastman - American writer (1883-1969), from "The Sense of Humor" (1921), Quotations book 2020


Develop your eccentricities while you are young. That way, when you get old, people won"t think you"re going gaga. David Ogilvy – legendary British advertising executive and entrepreneur (1911-1999)


Brand managers no longer own "their brand". Brands are owned by the people who love them. Kevin J. Roberts – British consultant and coach, 1997-2014 CEO of Saatchi & Saatchi (b. 1949), Quotations book 2019


Go forth and set the world on fire. Ite, inflammate omnia. Ignatius of Loyola - founder of the Jesuit order (1491-1556), who often ended his letters to Jesuits going to the missions with this Expression, Quotations book 2019


The first lesson I have learnt is the importance of finding, and following, a passion. Sir Elton John - British singer, musician and composer (b. 1947), at the Worls Economic Forum in Davos (January 2018), Quotations book 2019


The Three Wise Men found Bethlehem without GPS. The Sheperds learned about the Good News without WhatsApp. The Evangelists put it all down to writing. It is so simple to share the Word. Werner Tiki Küstenmacher - German pastor, author and caricaturist (b. 1953), Quotations book 2018

The Live Joyfully Manifesto

One Life. Keep it simple. Follow your dreams. Be curious. Learn new things. Think outside the box. Do what you love. Love what you do. Don’t shy away. Speak your mind. Be yourself. Be free. Work less. Do more. Don’t procrastinate. Shut off the pixels. Disconnect. Take time out. Eat heartily. Take long walks. Read more. Smile often. Laugh out loud. Pick a hobby. Flip a coin. Sleep like a baby....


Do what you love and you will never have to work a day in your life . Saying - Quotations book 2017


A man can succeed at almost anything for which he has unlimited enthusiasm. attributed to Charles M. Schwab – American industrialist and steel magnate (1862-1939), Quotations book 2015


It"s not the happy people who are thankful. It"s the thankful people who are happy. Proverb - Quotations book 2015


Manger est une nécessité, mais manger intelligemment est un art. To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art. attributed to François de La Rochefoucauld - French aphorist (1613-1680)


What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. Sprichwort - published in Frank Leslie`s Sunday Magazine, book 13 (1883)

Beauty in things

Beauty in things exists merely in the mind which contemplates them. David Hume - Scottish philosopher, economist and hisorian (1711-1776), from "Of the Standard of Taste" (1757), Quotations book 2014


Cependant il n"y a que les passions, et les grandes passions, qui puissent élever l"âme aux grandes choses. Yet it is passions alone, and strong passions, that can elevate the soul to great things. Denis Diderot - écrivain et philosophe français des Lumières, , (1713-1784), de "Pensées Philosophiques" (1746)


Happiness is inward; and so it does not depend on what we have, but on what we are. Henry J. van Dyke - American writer and reformed priest (1852-1933), from "Joy and Power" (1903)


Stay hungry, stay foolish! You´ve got to find what you love. Steve Jobs - American company founder, Apple (1955-2011), to graduates at Stanford University on June 12th, 2005, Quotations book 2016

Fountain of youth

To find joy in work is to discover the fountain of youth. Pearl S. Buck - American writer, Nobel Prize in literature 1938 (1892-1973), from "The Joy of Children" (1964), Quotations book 2012