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Christus bruger Efterfølgere, ikke Beundrere

Det er nu bekjendt nok, at Christus bestandigt bruger det Udtryk: Efterfølgere; han taler aldrig om, at han forlanger: Beundrere, tilbedende Beundrere, Tilhængere; og naar han bruger det Udtryk: Disciple, forklarer han det altid saaledes, at man seer, derved forstaaes Efterfølgere, at det ikke er Tilhængere af en Lære, men Efterfølgere af et Liv. It is well known that Christ consistently used...

Righteous judgement

Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment. The Bible, John 7:24 (NASB) - Quotations book 2020


I am created to do something or to be something for which no one else is created; I have a place in God"s counsels, in God"s world, which no one else has; whether I be rich or poor, despised or esteemed by man, God knows me and calls me by my name. John Henry Cardinal Newman - English Catholic clergyman (1801-1890), from his meditation "Hope in God—Creator" fom March 7, 1848, published in...

Watchword 2020

I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief! The Bible, Marcus 9:24 (NIV) - Quotations book 2020 The Protestant pastor and song writer Otto Riethmüller (1889-1939) - he belonged to the Confessing Church - decided in 1930 under the impression of the Nacional Socialism’s propaganda, to give henceforth every calendar year a headline with a Bible verse. An act of civil courage! He has established...

Act of God

It would be very difficult to explain why the universe should have begun in just this way, except as the act of a God who intended to create beings like us. Prof. Stephen Hawking - American physicist (1942-2018), from "A Brief History of Time" (1988)


The Church is looking for better methods; God is looking for better men. E. M. Bounds - American writer and member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South (1835-1913), from "Power Through Prayer" (1910)


Menneskets Storhed afhænger ene og alene af Guds-Forholdets Energie i ham. The greatness of a man depends simply and solely on the energy of the God-relation in him. Søren Aabye Kierkegaard - Danish Protestant theologian an philosopher (1813-1855), known as one of the most important academics in Denmark, from "The Concept of Anxiety" ("Begrebet Angest", published under the pseudonym Vigilius...

Tread by God

And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year: "Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown." And he replied: "Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way." Minnie Louise Haskins - British poet and sociologist (1875-1957), from the poem "The Gate of the Year" (1908), which became...

Strive for the higher

As long as we entertain only good options, we will never experience God’s best. Dr. Ed Silvoso – Argentinian author, documentarian and evangelist (b. 1945), from "That None Should Perish: How to Reach Entire Cities for Christ Through Prayer Evangelism" (1994)

Lead by God

Unless we are governed by God, we shall be ruled by tyrants. attributed to William Penn - American Quaker and preacher, foundet the state of Pennsylvania (1644-1718)

Why I believe in Christianity

Reality, in fact, is usually something you could not have guessed. That is one of the reasons I believe Christianity. It is a religion you could not have guessed, I should feel we were making it up. But, in fact, it is not the sort of thing anyone would have made up. It has just that queer twist about it that real things have. C. S. Lewis - British writer (1898-1963), from "Mere Christianity"...

The better happens

If what we want does not happen, it will still happen what is better. Si non fiet, quod volumus, fiet tamen, quod melius est. Martin Luther - German reformer (1483-1546), from his letter to Philipp Melanchthon from the Coburg (12.11.1529), Quotations book 2019


Whenever two people forgive each other, it is Christmas. Whenever you show understanding for your children, it is Christmas. Whenever you help a person, it is Christmas. Whenever someone decides to live honestly, it is Christmas. Whenever a child is born, it is Christmas. Whenever you try to give a new meaning to your life, it is Christmas. Whenever when you look at each other, with the eyes...


Go forth and set the world on fire. Ite, inflammate omnia. Ignatius of Loyola - founder of the Jesuit order (1491-1556), who often ended his letters to Jesuits going to the missions with this Expression, Quotations book 2019


The capacities which are within a man are greater than he knows and the capacities with which God can endow a man are greater than he dreams. Charles Haddon Spurgeon - English Baptist pastor (1834-1892), from his sermon N° 1690 "Chariots Of Iron" in The Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington (September 28, 1882), Quotations book 2019

All to the best

I believe God is managing affairs and that He doesn't need any advice from me. With God in charge, I believe everything will work out for the best in the end. So what is there to worry About? Henry Ford - American engineer and industrialist (1963-1947), in an interview with Dale Carnegie (born Dale Carnagey, American author and personality Coach, 1888-1955), Quotations book...

Walk on mountains

The Lord and King gives me strength. … He helps me walk on the highest places. The bible, Habakkuk 3:19 (NIRV)


Nous ne connaissons Dieu que par J.-C. Sans ce médiateur est ôtée toute communication avec Dieu. Blaise Pascal - Mathématicien et philosophe français (1623-1662), a "Pensée Non. 221"