

What you want in life is a young doctor and an old investment advisor: The doctor is at the peak of his knowledge when he graduates medical school and a thoughtful investment advisor should be growing in wisdom every day. Thomas "Tom" S. Gayner– American investor, CO-CEO and CIO Markel Corp (b. 1961), Quotations book...

Experience pays off

In value investing you can improve when you’re old. You get an enormous advantage from practice in this field. Charlie Munger - Vice Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway (1924-2023), Quotations book 2024


Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning. William H. "Bill" Gates - American Software entrepreneur, Microsoft (b. 1955), from "Business @ the Speed of Thought: Succeeding in the Digital Economy" (1999), Quotations book 2024

Think and become rich

Information cannot serve as an effective substitute for thinking. Bernard M. Baruch - American financier, adviser to several American presidents (1870-1965), from "Baruch: My Own Story" (1957), Quotations book 2024

Joy of discovery

The true delight is in the finding out rather than in the knowing. Isaac Asimov – Russian-born American writer and biochemist (1920-1992), Quotations book 2024


Don't be afraid to admit that you do not know. William M. "Bill" Allen - American businessman, 1945-1968 CEO of Boeing (1900-1983)


Решение всегда простое. Вы просто должны найти это. Мудрость, приписываемая Александр Исаевич Солженицын - русскому писателю и диссиденту, Нобелевская премия по литературе 19170 г. (1918-2008), , Котировочная книга 2024 The solution is always simple, you just have to find it. wisdom, attributed to Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn -Russian writer and dissident, Nobel Prize for Literature 1970...


We rarely understand what we see - so instead we see what we can understand. wisdom - Quotations book 2023


There is only one thing about which I am certain, and this is that there is very little about which one can be certain. W. Somerset Maugham - American writer (1874-1965), from "The Summing Up" (1938)


It's OK that Certainty is the only Uncertainty. Catherine DeVrye – Australian motivational speaker and entrepreneur: Greatmotivation

Measurement instead of opinion

One accurate measurement is worth a thousand expert opinions. Grace B. M. Hopper - American compoter pioneer, member of the US Navy (1906-1992), Quotations book 2023


Experience is the name every one gives to their mistakes. Oscar Wilde - Irish writer (1854-1900), from "Lady Windermere’s Fan: A Play About a Good Woman", Third Act (1892)


There is a driving force more powerful than steam, electricity and nuclear power: the will. attributed to Albert Einstein – German physicist, Nobel Prize in physics 1921 (1879-1955)

Never stop asking

"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The most important thing is not to stop asking questions. attributed to Albert Einstein - German physicist, Nobel prize in Physics 1921 (1879-1955)


The dumb run, the clever wait, the wise go into the garden. attributed to Rabindranath Tagore - born Robindronath Thakur, Bengali poet, Nobel Prize in literature 1913 (1861-1941)

Competitive advantage knowledge

Knowledge has become the key economic resource and the dominant, if not the only, source of competitive advantage. Peter F. Drucker - Austrian-born American management expert (1909-2005), from "The Age of Social Transformation" ("The Atlantic Monthly", November 1994), Quotations book 2022

Courage to wisdom

Dare to be wise! Begin! He who postpones the hour for living aright is a bumpkin waiting for the river to stop. Sapere aude, incipe. Vivendi qui recte prorogat horam, rusticus expectat dum defluat amnis. Quintus Horatius Flaccus (Horaz) - Roman writer (65-8 B.C.), from "Epistularum liber primus" (c. 20 B.C.)

Learn from mistakes

With failure comes opportunity. Glenn Llopis – Cuban-American leadership and business strategy author and consultant (b. 1966), from his book "Earning Serendipity: 4 Skills for Creating and Sustaining Good Fortune in Your Work" (2009)


Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers. Alfred Lord Tennyson - Pritish poet (1809-1892), from his poem "Locksley Hall" (1835, published in "Poems", 1842)


The electric light did not come from the continuous improvement of the candle. Dr. Oren Harari - American business professor at the University of San Francisco and author of several management books (1949-2010)