

A good leader has a moral integrity that survives both success and failure. Sir Elton John - British singer, musician and composer (b. 1947), at the Worls Economic Forum in Davos (January 2018), Quotations book 2019

Minimum turnover

The produce of a field stands related to the amount of that mineral ingredient which its soil contains in smallest quantity. Mineral Theory by Prof. Dr. Justus Freiherr von Liebig - German chemist and agricultural scientist (1803-1873), from "Principles of Agricultural Chemistry: With Special Reference to the Late Researches Made in England" (1855)

You need 3 things for your succes

To make your way in life you need 3 things: A deep sense of inner purpose and the will to renew it. A clear vision of where you want to get to and the energy to pursue it. And courage. Courage to take steps which others might fear to take. Ralph Coverdale – British psychologist, management consultant and trainer, founder of "The Coverdale Organisation" (1918-1975), Quotations book...

Key to success

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. often attributed to Albert Schweitzer - German-born French missionary and doctor, Nobel Peace Prize 1952 (1875-1965), could not be verified by the Albert Schweitzer Centre, Quotations book 2018

Stay ahead

To stay ahead, always have your next idea waiting in the wings. Prof. Rosabeth Moss Kanter - American sociologist at Harvard Business School (b.1943)

Re-create yourself

The difference between great and average or lousy in any job is, mostly, having the imagination and zeal to re-create yourself daily. Tom Peters - American author and consultant (b. 1942), from "The Pursuit of Wow! – Every Person"s Guide to Topsy-Turvy Times" (2010), Quotations book 2018 see

Try, try, try

Failure and invention are inseparable twins. Jeffrey P. "Jeff" Bezos - American company founder: Amazon (b. 1964), in his letter to the shareholders (2016), Quotations book 2018

Fondation solide

Trees with deep roots grow tall. Frédéric Mistral - French writer and lexicographer of the Occitan language, Nobel Prize in literature 1904 (1830-1914), from his poem "La Brassado" in "Lis isclo d’or" (1875), Quotations book 2018 Les arbres aux racines profondes sont ceux qui montent haut. Lis aubre que van founs soun li que mounton aut. Frédéric Mistral - écrivain et lexicographe français de...

Scepticism or pessimism

Scepticism and pessimism aren’t synonymous. Scepticism calls for pessimism when optimism is excessive. But it also calls for optimism when pessimism is excessive. Howard S. Marks - American investor, Co-Chairman Oaktree Capital Management (b. 1946), from "The Most Important Thing Illuminated: Uncommon Sense for the Thoughtful Investor" (2012), Quotations book...

Come further

One extends one"s limits only by exceeding them. M. Scott Peck - American psychiatrist, psychotherapist and writer (1936-2005), from "The Road Less Traveled: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth " (1978), Quotations book 2018

Limits of the possible

The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible. Arthur C. Clarke - American writer and inverntor (1917-2008), from his essay "Hazards of Prophecy: The Failure of Imagination" in "Profiles of the Future" (1962), Quotations book 2018


Every moment in life, every opportunity is a choice to innovate and have an impact. Dr. Frances A. Colón - Puerto Rican neuroscientist and political adviser


You can"t climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pockets. Arnold A. Schwarzenegger - Austrian-born American actor, bodybuilder and politician, 2003-11 Governor of California (b. 1947), in his commencement speech at the University of California (May 15th, 2009), Quotations book 2017


Whoever tries the most stuff wins! Tom Peters – American author and consultant (b. 1942), Quotations book 2017 see


First they ignore you. Then they ridicule you. And then they attack you and want to burn you. And then they build monuments to you. Nicholas Klein - American attorney and trade unionist (1884-1951), from his address at the Third Biennial Convention of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers (1918), Quotations book 2017

Six Rules on How to Be Successful

1. Trust yourself. 2. Break some rules. 3. Don"t be afraid to fail. 4. Ignore the naysayers. 5. Work like hell. 6. Give something back. Arnold A. Schwarzenegger - Austrian-born American actor, bodybuilder and politician, 2003-11 Governor of California (b. 1947), in his commencement speech at the University of California (May 15th, 2009), Quotations book 2017


Multitasking makes you stupid. Doing more than one thing at a time makes you slower and worse at both tasks. Don’t do it. If you think this doesn’t apply to you, you’re wrong – it does. Dr. Jeff Sutherland - American software engineer and entrepreneur, inventor of the Scrum software development process (b. 1941), in "Scrum: A revolutionary approach to building teams, beating deadlines and...

Swords to ploughshares

A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him David Brinkley - American journalist, news anchor and author (1920-2003), Quotations book 2017

Investment Success

The unfortunate reality is that investment success cannot be captured in a mathematical equation or a computer program. Seth A. Klarman - American investor, president and CEO: The Baupost Group, LLC (b. 1957), from "Margin of Safety: Risk-Averse Value Investing Strategies for the Thoughtful Investor" (2000)


Success doesn"t just come and find you, you have to go out and get it. Evan Carmichael - Canadian consultant and company founder (b. 1980), Quotations book 2017