

Do not pray for lighter burdens, pray for a stronger back! attributed to Teresa of Àvila – spanish mystic and Catholic nun (1515-1582), Quotations book 2019


God’s native language is silence, the church fathers say. Silence is God’s voice, and that voice says, "I love you, I love you, I love you." For silence is the space that God has made within his Being for us to be. This is love: to let the other be, to open a space within self for other. Silence is that space within God’s being where we are able to be. So, when we hear silence, we are...


If you will do what you can do, God will do what you cannot do. Joyce Meyer - American Evangelist (b. 1943), from "The Confident Woman: Start Living Boldly and Without Fear" (2006), Quotations book 2018

New address

Someday you will read or hear that Billy Graham is dead. Don’t you believe a word of it! I shall be more alive than I am now. I will just have changed my address. I will have gone into the presence of God. Billy Graham - born William Franklin Graham jr., American evangelist (1918-2018), from "Billy Graham: God’s Ambassador" (1999), Quotations book 2018

Making wonders from weaknesses

Morning by morning, day by day, Ghele went to the river, to fill his two pots and walked to the town to distribute the water to his clients. Ghele was a waterseller. "It could not take long, until Ghele discards me", said the one pot sad. Because he was cracked and leaking water permanently. The other pot was new and earned more money. One morning the poor damaged pot felt very inferior and...

What God tells us

The world tells us to seek success, power and money; God tells us to seek humility, service and love. Huius mundi ratio ad successum nos dominatumque propellit; Dei tamen mens ad humilitatem, ministerium atque amorem incitat. Pope Francis - born Jorge Mario Bergoglio, since 2013 Holy Father (b. 1936), in a message on "Twitter" from 2nd June 2013 (since 2023 "X"), Quotations book...

Watchword 2018

God says: To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life. The bible, Revelation 21:6 (NIV) - Quotations book 2018 The Protestant pastor and song writer Otto Riethmüller (1889-1939) - he belonged to the Confessing Church - decided in 1930 under the impression of the Nacional Socialism’s propaganda, to give henceforth every calendar year a headline with a...


The modern clergy believe they can bring man closer to Christ by insisting on Christ’s humanity. Thus forgetting that we do not trust in Christ because He is man, but because He is God. Nicolás Gómez Dávila - Colombian philosopher (1913-1994), from "Escolios a un Texto Implícito: Selección", p. 472 (1977), Quotations book 2017 El clero moderno cree poder acercar mejor el hombre a Cristo,...

Blessing or test?

When God provides more money, we often think: This is a blessing! Well, yes, but it would be just as scriptural to think: This is a test! Randy C. Alcorn - director of the Eternal Perspective Ministries and author (b. 1954), from "The Treasure Principle: Discovering the Secret of Joyful Giving" (2001), Quotations book 2017

Ville eet

Fader i Himlene! Hvad er dog et Menneske uden Dig! Hvor er Alt hvad han veed, var det end det Mangfoldiges Mængde, kun et afbrudt Stykke, hvis han ikke kjender Dig; er al hans Stræben, var den end omfattende en Verden, kun et halvgjort Arbeide, hvis han ikke kjender Dig, Du den Ene, som er Eet og som er Alt! Saa give Du i Forstanden Viisdom til at fatte det Ene, i Hjertet Oprigtighed til at...

Watchword 2017

God says: I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you. The bible, Ezekiel 36:26 (NIV) - Zitateheft 2017 The Protestant pastor and song writer Otto Riethmüller (1889-1939) - he belonged to the Confessing Church - decided in 1930 under the impression of the Nacional Socialism’s propaganda, to give henceforth every calendar year a headline with a Bible verse. An act of civil courage!...


If you renounce the powerful motor of profit-striving you have to put another power in its place: service in the religious sense. That is solid ground and brings blessings which we feel thankfully every day. Living and believing in the midst of all the indifference - that is the great experience. Celui qui renonce au puissant moteur du gain doit le replacer par une autre puissance: servir...

Undying love

Noi siamo oggetti da parte di Dio di un amore intramontabile. Sappiamo: ha sempre gli occhi aperti su di noi, anche quando sembra ci sia notte. E" papà; più ancora è madre. Non vuol farci del male; vuol farci solo del bene, a tutti. We are the objects of undying love on the part of God. We know: he has always his eyes open on us, even when it seems to be dark. He is our father; even more he...


Helgon äro de människor, som göra det lättare för andra att tro på Gud. A saint is one who makes it easier for others to believe in God. Nathan Söderblom - Swedish Lutheran theologian, 1914-31 Archbishop of Uppsala, Nobel Peace Prize 1930 (1866-1931), in "Den levande Guden: grundformer av personlig religion" ("The Living God", 1932), Quotations book 2016


I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. C. S. Lewis - British writer (1898-1963), from "Is Theology Poetry?" (1944), Quotations book 2015


You say: "I can’t figure things out." God says: "I will make straight your paths." You say: "I can’t forgive myself." God says: "I forgive you." You say: "I’m too tired." God says: "I will give you rest." You say: "Nobody really loves me." God says: "I love you." You say: "I can’t do it." God says: "You can do all things." You say: "It’s not worth it." God says: "It will be worth it." You...

Watchword 2015

Accept one another as Christ accepted us, to the glory of God. The Bible, Romans 15:7 (NRSV) - Quotations book 2015 The Protestant pastor and song writer Otto Riethmüller (1889-1939) - he belonged to the Confessing Church - decided in 1930 under the impression of the Nacional Socialism’s propaganda, to give henceforth every calendar year a headline with a Bible verse. An act of civil courage!...

Watchword 2014

But for me it is good to be near God. The Bible, Psalm 73:28 (NRSV) - Quotations book 2014 The Protestant pastor and song writer Otto Riethmüller (1889-1939) - he belonged to the Confessing Church - decided in 1930 under the impression of the Nacional Socialism’s propaganda, to give henceforth every calendar year a headline with a Bible verse. An act of civil courage! He has established a...

Revisendique dei

Non moeremus, quod talem amisimus; sed gratias agimus, quod habuimus, imo habeamus. Deo enim vivunt omnia. Et quidquid revertitur ad Dominum, in familiae numero computatur. Sophronius Eusebius Hieronymus - early Christian academic and theologian, one of the four Latin Doctors of Church (347-420), from "Ad Eustochium virginem, Epitaphium Paulae matris" (c. 400), Quotations...

Voir Dieu

Qui veut voir Dieu vivant, face à face, doit le chercher, non dans le firmament désert de sa pensée, mais dans l"amour des hommes. Romain Rolland - écrivain et pacifiste français, prix Nobel de littérature 1915 (1866-1944), de "Jean-Christophe: L"Adolescent" (1904), Brochure de citation 2014